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You are WELCOME to Transfiguration Bible Institute (T.B.I).


Be prepared for a...





- BODY MORTIFYING,   experience at the Master's feet...


TRANSFIGURATION BIBLE INSTITUTE (Jesus College) is a place of godly change that prepares Christian men and women for spiritual service.

We believe everyone was born for a purpose and called to serve, with tools (gifts, talents, and skills) to use.


Our courses are divinely tailored to meet the needs of a 21st century person.


Beloved, the darkness of this age, is in the twisted illusions of the gospel; The age of Grace without Truth, Faith without Obedience, Liberty without Responsibility, Charisma has replaced the HolySpirit in most fellowships and the Commandments of God are fast becoming mere suggestions to the sons of Men. YOU, at least YOU, let Jesus find faith in you. #FightForYourFaith #TheCrossIsStillOldAndRugged.


Register at T.B.I. a full gospel, non comformist, non-denominational bible school, where we believe God will show you great and mighty things which you have not known.

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